Unable to change credit card (Shop Pay)

If you're still having trouble changing your credit card, there are a few possible reasons.

If you have joined B-Town through Shop Pay

If you register new card information while there are multiple card details (expired cards or unused cards) in your Shop Pay account, there have been cases where the next payment attempt will fail.
Please log in to Shop Pay with the same email address you registered with BMSG SHOP and try changing your card information.

You can change or delete your credit card from the Shop Pay login screen (external site) below.

If your Shop Pay account was created after joining B-Town

This may be the reason why you are unable to change the card used for B-Town payments.
If you have not used Shop Pay at other online stores, If you delete your Shop Pay account , you may be able to change the credit card you use to make payments on B-Town.

You can delete your Shop Pay account by logging in to Shop Pay using the same email address you registered with BMSG SHOP below.
*Please rest assured that your B-Town account will not be deleted.

If payment fails even after changing card

Please contact your credit card company to inquire whether you can use it for your subscription. If you are unable to resolve the issue of changing your card, please contact B-Town Inquiry (chat format) .